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Important Church Guidelines from August 16 - September 12, 2021


Hello everyone. Peace from St. Ignatius!

As the corona infections are going up in the city and nationwide, the Archdiocese of Tokyo and St. Ignatius Church have issued new guidelines which will come in effect from August 16(Mon). The following is a summary:


  1. All public Masses on Sundays are suspended from August 16(Mon) through September 12(Sun).
  2. Sunday Masses in four languages (10 am Japanese, 12 pm English, 1.30 pm Spanish, 3 pm Vietnamese) will be held without the participation of the congregation and will be live streamed. All other Sunday Masses are cancelled.
  3. The confirmation ceremony Mass which was scheduled on August 29, (Sun) is postponed.
  4. Weekday masses are also cancelled. However funerals and other emergency programs/liturgies are allowed with minimum number of participants.
  5. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on weekdays will remain cancelled.
  6. The church and church premises will be open for people to visit and pray.
  7. Confession on fixed times (on Sundays and weekdays) are cancelled. (However confession is possible on personal request.)
  8. All activities between August 16(Mon) to September 12(Sun), are requested to be cancelled(or to change to online activities.) Activities that are very essential are allowed with limited number of people for a short period of time. In such circumstances please make sure all the precautions are followed.
  9. Church and the church premises will be open from 10 am until 7 pm.
  10. Parish office is open from 10 am until 5:30 pm

Let us keep each other in our prayers while hoping for a speedy improvement of the present situation.

Our Lady, Health of the Sick, Pray for us! 




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