Full text of the Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent 2021
Four months have passed since the encyclical, “Fratelli tutti” was introduced ...
“God is with us!” and you were instruments of His love and concern! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Dear brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Tokyo...
In a Letter to the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences, the Congregation for Divine Worship affirms the necessity of a return to the normality ...
All the faithful of St Ignatius Church are warmly invited to attend.
27 September 2020, 12 pm (English Live Streaming)
When life gets rough, always strive to be grateful. There are always blessings in our lives ...
20 September 2020, 12 pm (English Live Streaming)
Pope Francis released in 2015 his encyclical “LAUDATO SI: On the Care for our Common Home”
13 September 2020, 12 pm (English Live Streaming)
6 September 2020, 12 pm (English Live Streaming)
August 15 (Sat) 2020, 12 pm (English Live Streaming)
Due to the continuous increase in the number of coronavirus infections in Tokyo, Archbishop Kikuchi has sent new directives this month of August.